Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

Displaying 101 - 125 of 165

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/10/19 What Kind of Homes Do Our Children Need? (Sun. Class) Scott Smelser Marriage / Family Gospel Meeting 2019-03-10_Class_What_Kind_of_Homes_Do_Our_Children_Need_-_Scott_Smelser.mp3
07/20/18 Stewardship - Treasures Ben Walker Stewardship - Time, Talents, Treasures Gospel Meeting 2018-07-20pm_Stewardship_-_Treasures_Fri._-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/19/18 Stewardship - Talents Ben Walker Stewardship - Time, Talents, Treasures Gospel Meeting 2018-07-19pm_Stewardship_-_Talents_Thurs._-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/18/18 Stewardship - Time Ben Walker Stewardship - Time, Talents, Treasures Gospel Meeting 2018-07-18pm_Stewardship_-_Time_Wed._-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/17/18 Stewardship - Self, Mind and Body Ben Walker Stewardship - Time, Talents, Treasures Gospel Meeting 2018-07-17pm_Stewardship_-_Self_Mind_and_Body_Tues._-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/16/18 Stewardship - Privilege and Responsibility Ben Walker Stewardship - Time, Talents, Treasures Gospel Meeting 2018-07-16pm_Stewardship_-_Privilege_and_Responsibility_-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/15/18 Stewardship - All Belongs to God Ben Walker Stewardship - Time, Talents, Treasures Gospel Meeting 2018-07-15pm_Stewardship_-_All_Belongs_to_God_-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/15/18 Take Care How You hear Ben Walker Stewardship Gospel Meeting 2018-07-15am_Stewardship_-_Take_Care_How_You_Hear_-_Ben_Walker.mp3
07/15/18 The Incomparable God Ben Walker Stewardship Gospel Meeting 2018-07-15_class_The_Incomparable_God_-_Ben_Walker.mp3
03/16/18 The Righteous Judgement of God Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-16pm_-_The_Righteous_Judgement_of_God_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/15/18 The Faithful in the Grandstands Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-15pm_-_The_Faithful_in_the_Grandstands_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/14/18 The Bible Belt Culture in Biblical Times Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-14pm_The_Bible_Belt_Culture_in_Biblical_Times_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/13/18 Parable of the Sower Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-13pm_Parable_of_the_Sower_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/12/18 Obeying the Gospel Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-12pm_-_Obeying_the_Gospel_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/11/18 Lessons from a Jar Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-11pm_-_Lessons_from_a_Jar_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/11/18 Our Attitudes Toward God's Commands Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-11am_-_Our_Attitude_Toward_Gods_Commands_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
03/11/18 Family Traditions that Build Genuine Faith Lonnie Oldag N/A Gospel Meeting 2018-03-11class_-_Family_Traditions_that_Build_Genuine_Faith_-_Lonnie_Oldag.mp3
10/25/17 Call to Action: Be an Active, Growing Member of the True Body of Christ Mitchell Dalrymple N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-10-25pm_Call_to_Action_-_Be_an_Active_Growing_Member_of_the_True_Body_of_Christ_-_Mitchell_Dalrymple.mp3
10/24/17 Value and Necessity of the Local church Nick Woods N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-10-24pm_Value_and_Necessity_of_the_Local_church_-_Nick_Woods.mp3
10/23/17 A Peculiar People (Monday) Justin Roberson N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-10-23pm_A_Peculiar_People_-_Justin_Roberson.mp3
10/22/17 The Future of the Church (Sun. pm worship) Kevin Clark N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-10-22pm_The_Future_of_the_church_-_Kevin_Clark.mp3
10/22/17 The Growth of the Church (Sun. am worship) Kevin Clark N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-10-22am_The_Growth_of_the_Church_-_Kevin_Clark.mp3
10/22/17 The Beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ (Sun. class) Kevin Clark N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-10-22aclass_The_Beginning_of_the_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_-_Kevin_Clark.mp3
07/21/17 Being Happy as a Christian Ken Chapman Steadfast to the End - Doing All We Can to Finish the Race Gospel Meeting 2017-07-21pm_Being_Happy_as_a_Christian_Fri..mp3
07/20/17 The Other Man - Uriah the Hittite Ken Chapman Steadfast to the End - Doing All We Can to Finish the Race Gospel Meeting 2017-07-20pm_The_Other_Man_-_Uriah_the_Hittite_Thurs..mp3

Displaying 101 - 125 of 165

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